Sunday, December 18, 2011


I am now 22 months old. I weigh 12.56 kg and I am 84,5cm in length. My hair is getting long and curly and I am starting to make short sentences. I can count to 10 and I know so many words in English and Afrikaans.

Playschool has ended for the year, I have had lots of fun and met lots of friends.
Oliver and I very often HAVE TO play with  the same thing at the same time.

I am exploring everything. These are mom's Skype headphones. I love Skype. When I hear the ring tone I run towards the computer and call out "Michool" cause I think I am going to be talking to my Uncle Mike in New Zealand.
My routine involves watching TV before bed. My regular shows are The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, The Hive, I Can Cook and The Teletubbies. I call Dipsy "Dipies".

Saturday, November 19, 2011

This Past October 2011

Kevin is 2 months younger than I am but MUCH bigger.

Kevin's mom has a shop down stairs and he came to visit. We played and Natasha gave us Rice Krispies.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fun at Zoo Lake and Working at home

Zoo Lake Fun

This is my 21st Month! I weigh 11.2kg and 82.4cm tall. I can say so many words now. I repeat everything I hear. Mommy and Daddy think my pronunciation is good but that is just because they understand me. I say "banoha" for "balonne"(baloons) and "tokowoow" for "krokodil"(crocodile)

 During our playgroup holidays Mommy and Lara took Oliver and myself to Zoo Lake to look at the ducks and play.

 I like to slide down HEAD FIRST.

"Owwer" and I had a great time.

I discovered the hose pipe

And Everything got wet!

I like to sit on top of Daddy watching TV

Here I am helping Daddy make pasta

I helped mix.

Just taking a break after all that work

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 2011

After a morning of shoe shopping I was quite tired.
I am 20 months old now. I say many words now and at night I sleep without a nappy. When I wake up I peepee in the toilet or the potty.

6 October 2011Rest In Peace Steve Jobs  No Doubt I'll enjoy your genius for many years to come

I talk to Grandpa and Granny on Skype once a week. I call Grandpa "Bunka"

"Owwer" and I going for a joyride in the factory trolley

So much to explore

A small man at the War memorial

I weigh 11.16kg and I am 81.5cm tall

It was a sunny day at the zoo. Unfortunately I stumbled and fell. I knocked my forehead and my nose and was left all grazed.

An afternoon at the Zoo. The Elephants and the monkeys were my favourite

Thursday, August 25, 2011

18 months old

I am 18 months old now. I can do so many things. I weigh about 10.8kg and I am so excited about summer because I can play outside now and we can go for walks in the park.
 I work in the garden

 This "underbite-face" is what I do when I am concentrating

 I eat pizza

 I drink beer. Not really but I push my luck.

 I work on Mommy's iPad

I eat popcorn with Daddy

I watch my favourite TV program - Teletubbies

Friday, August 5, 2011


It took me long to get teeth. I got my first tooth on my first birthday. After this I got another 5 teeth in the next 5 weeks. First my bottom 2, then the top 2 front teeth, another one at the bottom and then 2 more on top. After that I got the next two on top when I was 17 months a week apart.

 This tooth hurts!

I also use my teeth for nice big smiles!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Life of Eli

I'm creating this Blog so that we can all keep track of Elijah. His family will soon be all over the world and I'm sure no one would like to miss out on a single thing.

I'll start at 17 months where we are now and problably jump back a bit. Right now Elijah is walking all over. He can reach the door handle. He loves rice and still has food prepared by Dad. This includes fruit and yoghurt and vegies everyday. In the morning he gets a hunk of bread from Mzamo the cutter and walks around munching it.

One Friday afternoon he fell asleep on my lap while I was reading to him.

Elijah loves books. He constantly brings us books to read him. Some, like Thomas the Tank Engine, Disney Nursery Rhymes, Big Red the Fire Engine, we know off by heart. He is struggling with his teeth at the moment but finds it easier to handle once he has stolen Oliver's dummy.

He has started saying words like "hot", "go", "up" and even some staff names. I read him nursery rhymes in the car everyday. I thought that I was wasting my time but the other day I got to a specific page and he said "Baa Baa"! It was on the Baa Baa Black Sheep page! He also does the same thing with HUMpty dumpty.

Eli knows where his head, ear, nose and eyes are.

He is so sweet. He still sleeps with Mommy and Daddy but not by his own choice.