Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Life of Eli

I'm creating this Blog so that we can all keep track of Elijah. His family will soon be all over the world and I'm sure no one would like to miss out on a single thing.

I'll start at 17 months where we are now and problably jump back a bit. Right now Elijah is walking all over. He can reach the door handle. He loves rice and still has food prepared by Dad. This includes fruit and yoghurt and vegies everyday. In the morning he gets a hunk of bread from Mzamo the cutter and walks around munching it.

One Friday afternoon he fell asleep on my lap while I was reading to him.

Elijah loves books. He constantly brings us books to read him. Some, like Thomas the Tank Engine, Disney Nursery Rhymes, Big Red the Fire Engine, we know off by heart. He is struggling with his teeth at the moment but finds it easier to handle once he has stolen Oliver's dummy.

He has started saying words like "hot", "go", "up" and even some staff names. I read him nursery rhymes in the car everyday. I thought that I was wasting my time but the other day I got to a specific page and he said "Baa Baa"! It was on the Baa Baa Black Sheep page! He also does the same thing with HUMpty dumpty.

Eli knows where his head, ear, nose and eyes are.

He is so sweet. He still sleeps with Mommy and Daddy but not by his own choice.

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